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How To Gain Confidence in Yourself

how to gain confidence in yourself

In this blog post, I will share with you how to gain confidence in yourself with just 7 powerful tactics. But before I get started I want you to understand that self-confidence is both an attitude and a mindset. It is also important to keep in mind that self-confidence is a process and takes practice, it can’t be built overnight. Even some of the most successful people lack confidence. There also seems to be the misconception that confidence is something we are either born with or not, but this is far from true! Confidence is like a muscle the more you use it and exercise it the stronger it gets. 

Try these 7 powerful tactics to start gaining confidence in yourself:

How to gain confidence in yourself

#1 Stop being afraid 

This might sound like a very simple thing to say, but believe it or not many people are afraid to be confident. We as humans also often use being scared as an excuse for not trying. But the real question is…what are you afraid of? Yes, you might get rejected, but try anyway. The real failing is not trying at all. Putting yourself out there is how you grow and do incredible things. I once heard a famous actor say that rejection is his job. If you think about it, famous actors we love and admire get rejected all the time for movies/shows roles. They’re so used to rejection that it doesn’t even phase them, they just keep trying. Remind yourself that there’s a lot of great and unique things about you. There’s only one of you in this huge world, so embrace it and stop being afraid!

#2 Get out of your comfort zone 

Getting out of your comfort zone is crucial when gaining confidence in yourself. Push yourself to do new things and as I mentioned before getting over your fears. Once you try something new and you find that you actually succeeded in it, you will start earning more confidence to take on bigger and better challenges. You will also realize that you’re capable of doing anything you set your mind to. In other words, getting out of your comfort zone will allow you to boost your confidence and will help you get over any fears. 

#3 Surround yourself with people who make you feel good

People can either lift up your confidence or drain it. Remember that you’re a product of your own environment, so you have to surround yourself with the best. Good people bring high vibrations and positive energy. Their great personality traits like their high levels of confidence are contagious and will translate into your life. They will also push you and make you realize your worth. The right people will only lift you higher by empowering you and helping you become the best version of yourself. If you want to read more about this topic, make sure to visit my blog post The 12 Types Of People You Should Surround Yourself With.

#4 Accept yourself for who you are

Learn to accept your flaws and quirks…after all, nobody is perfect! This might be one of the hardest steps, as we tend to be very critical on ourselves. To accept yourself you must first realize your worth and recognize your strengths. Stop punishing yourself with negative thoughts and accept life challenges and imperfections for what they are. Choose to be loving towards yourself and your flaws. Positive and encouraging affirmations will definitely help in shifting your mindset, check out my blog post 20 Powerful Shirting Affirmations, for some affirmations examples. Self-acceptance is the key to gaining confidence!

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#5 Visualize yourself succeeding 

Before you start a project or task, visualize yourself succeeding and completing each task. Picture yourself being victorious and visualize as many details as you can. For me, whenever I have important interviews I visualize myself getting complimented by the interviewer about my past work experience and I try to visualize myself at the place of work with as many details as I can. Successful Olympic athletes use visualization as a performance-enhancing strategy and you can definitely give it a try too! Visualization gets you prepared to experience your goal while developing self-confidence as you go.

#6 Stop caring about what others think

The honest truth is that people will criticize you whether you succeed or not. People will tell you that the odds are against you and a million reasons why you wouldn’t succeed. Just remember that people are wrong about many things. People will also limit you based on how they limit their own selves. If you think you can do it, DO IT! Believe in yourself and do what makes you happy.

#7 Stand up for yourself 

Learn to stand up for yourself not only to gain confidence but to take charge of your own life. To stand up for yourself you must express yourself to others openly and honestly. Stand your ground even if you ever feel like you’re being attacked. Also, recognize that no one can invalidate you. Your confidence will boost when you don’t let people walk all over you and you stand strong. 

Confidence is built on many things, in fact, the list can go on and on. However, these are the 7 most powerful tactics that have personally helped me gain self-confidence. You will find that having confidence in yourself makes life a whole lot easier. Instead of beating yourself up, be your own cheerleader. As I mentioned before, gaining confidence takes time and can’t be built overnight, so be patient. You can start today by transforming your body language and learning to walk more confidently. Let me know which tactic is your favorite and which has helped you gain the most confidence in yourself. Thank you for reading!

The Pretty Thoughts




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