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35 Lucky Girl Syndrome Affirmations

The trending phenomenon known as #LuckyGirl “syndrome” has gained immense popularity on TikTok. The hashtag #luckgirlsyndrome is being utilized by millions of individuals, making it an extremely popular trend. Personally, I am fully supportive of this trend because it promotes positivity, and personal empowerment, and offers practical benefits. It’s important to recognize that you are constantly affirming your life, whether consciously or unconsciously. Even if you engage in light-hearted participation in the “lucky girl syndrome” trend, your brain perceives it as an affirmation. Consequently, people have had successful and astonishing outcomes following this trend. In this blog post, I will share with you 35 lucky girl syndrome affirmations that you can repeat out loud every day.

35 Lucky Girl Syndrome Affirmations

What is lucky girl syndrome? 

Lucky girl syndrome is truly believing that you’re the luckiest person on the planet and the mindset that the universe is always working towards you. It’s changing the daily narrative that you tell yourself and your brain to help attract a sense of luck and abundance in your life. Those who embrace the idea/trend of Lucky Girl Syndrome adopt a positive mindset focusing on gratitude and affirmations, which in return attracts positive experiences and opportunities into their lives. Lucky girl syndrome is all about abundance and stepping out of that scarcity mindset, which holds the belief that jobs, opportunities, and money are scarce commodities in the world. Is reprogramming our minds and daily thoughts into positive and optimistic ones. It is believing that great things can happen to you and that you can have it all. 

Why lucky girl syndrome works? 

The reason the lucky girl syndrome works is because we’re using the Law of Assumption which is that what you believe to be true becomes your reality. Our mental conversations create our reality. The neuroscience behind it is that there’s a place in the back of your brain called your reticular activating system or RAS and its job is to sort all the information that comes into your brain. There are about 11 million pieces of information that come into your brain every moment and you can process only about 26 pieces of information at any moment, so there’s a lot that gets filtered out. Your RAS starts working and filtering the second you wake up in the morning asking you what it is that you want to focus on and what is it that you want to look for in the day.

So if you wake up saying “This day is going to suck” your RAS will filter all the information that comes into your brain for ways times/events that promote the fact that your day will be a drag. But if you tell it something like “I am lucky” your RAS will start to look for that in your brain because that is what you have told it. By doing this daily eventually your brain will go into an instant positive mindset when you become conscious. It is important to note that while the morning is best you can practice this any time of the day. 

Lucky Girl Syndrome Affirmations

Without further ado, here are the best lucky girl syndrome affirmations:

  1. Everything is always conspiring in my favor
  2. The universe has my back 
  3. I am the luckiest person in this world
  4. Money flows easily into my life
  5. I am worthy of everything I desire
  6. Opportunities and jobs are abundant in this world and I get them easily
  7. All my prayers get answered 
  8. Great things happen to me 
  9. I am so grateful for everything in my present life 
  10. Everything always works out for me, I am so lucky 
  11. My desires flow easily to me 
  12. I am protected and surrounded by positivity
  13. The universe is always listening to me
  14. Good things always come my way
  15. I always get anything I desire, and more 
  16. My life is absolutely magical every day
  17. I am a magnet for everything I want  
  18. The universe is rigged in my favor 
  19. It is always working out for me 
  20. I decided my life would be full of abundance and so, it is.
  21. Universal surprises and delights are a part of my daily life
  22. I am open to my unlimited potential 
  23. My life is overflowing with good fortune 
  24. I don’t chase it, I attract it 
  25. My luck is endless and overflowing 
  26. I am always in the right place, at the right time 
  27. Nothing is out of reach for me 
  28. I can have it all and I always get what I want 
  29. Things happen easily, effortlessly, and naturally for me 
  30. I create my own luck and destiny 
  31. Luck is with me wherever I go 
  32. I am eternally blessed and grateful 
  33. Things are moving in my favor 
  34. I visualize my highest self and then show up as her 
  35. Miracles happen to me every day

How to practice the lucky girl syndrome:

Step 1: Affirm and believe that you are lucky

Affirm and believe that you are the luckiest person in the world and that great things can happen to you. Repeat these affirmations out loud you may also write down the top 5 that resonate with you. For more positive affirmations, make sure to visit my blog 20 Powerful Shifting Affirmations. Another great tip is to close your eyes and imagine a situation where you’re already doing or have what you desire.

Step 2: Stop your limiting self-beliefs

We’re constantly our own worst critics, be mindful of your self-talk and inner dialogues. If it’s something negative go to the root of why you feel this way and remind yourself of all your personal accomplishments. Get rid of any complaining habits and replace the complaints with gratitude. Remember that your current situation is only temporary and things will only get better going forward. The universe is abundant and you are part of this universe, therefore you’re worthy of all of its abundance.

Step 3: Be excited about life

Remind yourself that anything is possible! Remember how when we were kids playing a board game and we would get excited when it was time to roll the dice? That’s the exact same attitude that you need to have towards life. Whatever the outcome is just be excited about all your possibilities and joyful that you’re present and alive to experience it all.

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