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The Pillow Method: An Easy Way to Manifest

What is the Pillow Method Manifestation Technique?

The pillow method is considered one of the easiest and most straightforward manifestation techniques. It involves writing your desire/manifestation on a piece of paper and placing it under your pillow prior to going to bed. As you lay in bed you will recite the manifestation and let it sink into your subconscious mind as the last thing you think about before falling asleep.

Manifestation for Beginners:

You’re prepared to embark on the manifestation journey, but uncertain about the process. In my perspective, manifestation is akin to a spiritual expedition. Initially, you must be receptive to embark on this transformative journey and embrace it. To initiate the process of manifestation, it is crucial to emotionally release your past self and pave the way for your desired reality. I’m not suggesting that you completely change your identity, but rather strive to become the best version of yourself. Conquer any fears or doubts, and learn to let go of anything that no longer serves or that’s holding you back. As humans, we tend to seek comfort and familiarity, yet manifestation requires embracing the unknown and placing trust in the universe.

How to do the Pillow Method? A Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Get clear on your desire and make sure it is something tangible and specific. 
  2. Grab a piece of paper and write whatever it is that you’re desiring. Write it over 3 or 6 times. Tip: Make sure that you write it in the present tense.
  3. Fold the paper over 3 times. Directing all folds towards you. 
  4. Put the piece of paper under your pillow before going to bed. 
  5. Relax yourself and repeat and recite what you wrote as you lay in bed. Close your eyes and visualize it. 
  6. Fall asleep with the mindset that is yours. 
  7. Keep the piece of paper under your pillow until it feels right to remove it. Repeat steps #5 and #6 each night. 
  8. Let go and trust the universe. 

The Pillow Method: An Easy Way to Manifest

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How long should you keep the paper under your pillow: 

There’s no specific timeline for this, but it’s recommended to leave it for at least 30 days (1 month) or at least until your manifestation has come true. Feel free to change or adjust your manifestation to something else if you come up with a better one or you feel like your current one is no longer resonating with you anymore. Ultimately, you should do what’s right for you and it also depends on your desire. 

How to Dispose of the Paper Script after Use:

The decision is entirely yours to make regarding what you wish to do with it. You have the option to tear it apart, set it on fire, bury it, or dispose of it. Or you can choose to set it aside for potential future use. I personally advise keeping it and storing it in a manifestation jar. In moments when you feel discouraged or feeling down, you can open your manifestation jar as a way to appreciate the blessings in your life and express gratitude. 

How to Amplify the Pillow Method: 

When practicing the pillow method for manifestation, it can be beneficial to include a selection of crystals and gemstones in your practice. Once you have purified and energized your crystals with your desired intentions (discover how to do this here), place them on your nightstand while you sleep.

Here are some of the crystals you can use depending on what you want to manifest. 

  • Love: Rose Quartz, Moonstone
  • Wealth: Citrine, Pyrite
  • Health: Clear Quartz, Garnet, Bloodstone
  • Creativity: Carnelian, Lapis Lazuli 
  • Success: Green Jade, Aventurine, Pyrite 

Manifestation oils are also a popular tool used in the practice of manifesting desires and intentions. The purpose of manifestation oils is to enhance the process of manifesting by harnessing the power of scent and its connection to our emotions and subconscious mind. Different manifestation oils may focus on specific intentions or goals, such as abundance, love, career success, or spiritual growth. Some commonly used essential oils in manifestation blends include lavender for balance and harmony, citrus oils for uplifting and attracting positivity, patchouli for grounding and manifestation, and rosemary for mental clarity and focus. For the pillow method, you can add a drop of your chosen oil to your piece of paper before placing it under your pillow. Both oils and crystals are thought to help shift our energy, elevate our consciousness, and attract positive outcomes.

If you haven’t already make sure to check out my very own coloring book available on Amazon. It has beautiful intricate designs, as well as motivational quotes and affirmations that will instantly make you smile and boost your mood! Here’s a small preview of what’s inside:

The Self-Care Coloring Book

Additional Manifestation Tips:

  • Get very clear on what you want- get detailed and get rid of self-limiting beliefs. 
  • Visualize- close your eyes and visualize (with details) the scenario that you’re trying to manifest or you can also create a vision board. 
  • Surrender expectations- let go of any expectations and have complete trust in the process. Don’t chase, beg, or stress. 
  • Practice affirmations– short powerful words or phrases which are said multiple times to AFFIRM, a single positive thought about yourself. Not only have to recite them, but you also have to feel and believe them in your heart and soul. It might be hard at first, but the more you do them, the easier it will become.
  • Repetition is key- keep reciting daily doing the method until it happens. 
  • Practice manifestation when you’re in a good mood. 

Now that you have learned about the easy pillow method manifestation technique, let me know in the comment section below all about your manifestation journey! Have any of your manifestations come true using this method? Do you have a favorite manifestation technique? Feel free to share below! 


The Pretty Thoughts



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