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How To Be Content With What You Have: 7 Simple Steps

how to be content

As humans, we’re always looking for the next big thing. Whether it’s a better job, car, career, or house, we’re always wishing we had more. The problem is that as we hunt for those “better things”, we forget to be grateful and content with what we currently have. It is a common misconception that we can either be content with what we have or we can strive for better. I’m here to tell you that it’s not either/or you can do both! You can be content with what you have and still focus on improving your life.

Achieving content secures your happiness and allows for inner wellness, while providing a healthy space where motivation can grow. In the past years, I have learned how to be happy with what I have and stop wanting more. Here are my 7 simple steps on “How To Be Content With What You Have”:

how to be content with what you have

1. Be Content By Nature

The first step to being content with what you have is to be content by nature. Contentment is all about mastering inner peace satisfaction. Don’t rely your whole happiness on whether something happens for you or not. Happiness can spring from the simple good things in life such as; drinking a nice warm cup of coffee, nice weather, and spending time with your loved ones. Remember the times you were a child and you were simply happy because you got to run around barefoot in the grass. Being content is the fundamental aspect of life, and it’s your responsibility to take charge of it no matter the outside circumstances! 

2. Be Mindful

Secondly, it’s important to be mindful. Mindfulness is the state of being fully aware. Take time off your day to be with your thoughts and reflect, do this by eliminating all distractions! (TIP: Turning off all your electronic devices and being in nature often helps). Staying aware allows us to shift our mindset to focus on what matters the most. Remember nothing outside of you has power over you. We all have those days when we think about our past and future, but learning how to be fully in the present is the real gift of life.

3. Practice Optimism

This third step is all about practicing optimism and learning how to be positive even in difficult situations. Nothing good stems from negativity, even if you’re in a bad situation always try to find the brighter side of things! Ask yourself “is this worth getting upset over”? Remember that what you feel, you attract. Avoid negative self-talk, as we are each our own worst critic. Surround yourself with positive people who give off great vibrations and that support you no matter what. Understand that it’s OKAY to avoid those people in your life who are constantly bringing you down and affecting your mood. Your body responds great to positivity which can boost your mood and diminish your anxiety and stress.

how to be content

4. Stop Comparing Your Life To Others

Most people become miserable because they constantly compare themselves to someone else. In our current world of social media it’s easy to compare your life to others. Just remember that not everything is what it seems like and the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. The life you complain about is only a dream to others. Being truly content comes from within not from external material factors. Those who focus on finding happiness in material things or chasing what others have will never be truly content with what’s right in front of them.

If you have some free time, take time to volunteer to help a great cause or others in need. Doing things for others is a powerful way to achieve content with what you already have and create positivity in your life and out in the world. It’s also a great way to refocus and stay humble!

5. Take Action 

This fifth step is all about identifying what are the things you can change to make your life more joyful. It doesn’t matter if it’s a job, friendship, relationship, or lifestyle. If it doesn’t make you happy and content simply let it go! If you don’t like it, stop putting up with it. Being content and securing your happiness comes from your own actions. Once you get rid of all the things that are making you unhappy you can focus on the things that are. 

6. Be Grateful 

Constantly wishing you had more will make you bitter and miserable. Take time each day to be grateful for the small things in your life and for all your accomplishments that have gotten you where you are today. Be thankful for the basics; health, food, and shelter. These might be things you usually take for granted but remind yourself that not everybody has these things. (TIP: Make a list of all the things you’re grateful for in your life and the things that bring you joy). Try to remind yourself that being happy is not having it all, it simply means you’re thankful for what you have. We often also forget to be grateful for ourselves, so take time to practice daily self-love and affirmations.

7. Make Peace

Lastly, the quality of your life depends on how content and peaceful you are within yourself. Focus on the things you can control and make peace with what you can’t. Learn to prioritize your inner wellness and take charge of your own attitude. Remember that all we have is right now, you can’t change your past and you can’t control the future.

how to be content

Now it’s up to you to be content!

Having trouble being content? How do you find contentment in your life? Leave a comment below! I’ll be happy to help and chat! ❤️


The Pretty Thoughts



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