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25 Body Positivity Affirmations

25 Body Positivity Affirmations

We hear it all the time that we must learn to love our body. But what does body positivity actually mean? For starters, body positivity should be more than a trend, hashtag, and marketing tool. It is an activism movement to make the bold statement that “all bodies are good bodies”. Everyone deserves to have a positive body image, regardless of what society views as attractive. We’re all beautiful…and yes that is regardless of our size, scars, stretch marks, freckles, acne, height, and so on. In this blog post, I will share with you 25 body positivity affirmations, that without a doubt will help you feel good and happy about your body. Take your favorite five and practice saying these affirmations in front of the mirror every day.

Why practicing body positivity is important…

In our current world of social media, it’s easy to compare our bodies to others. I am no exception, I used to look at airbrushed models in magazines and wonder “why don’t I look like her”. The truth is we’re constantly surrounded by unrealistic body images that have been retouched, photoshopped, or even the person in the image has gone under the knife several times to appear the way they do. Being surrounded by all of these unrealistic body images it’s relatively easy to develop a self-destructive sense of self…but how do we stop?

Firstly, acknowledge that you’re not being kind to yourself and to your body. Secondly, you must then realize that there’s nothing wrong with the way you look. Moreover, remember that your thoughts create your reality, if you’re only constantly thinking negatively about your body you will only feel worse. Lastly, practice these 25 body positivity affirmations, to help you feel confident, vibrant, and beautiful!

25 Body Positivity Affirmations

25 Body Positivity Affirmations:

  1. I am worthy, I am strong, I am enough in my current body. 
  2. My body radiates beauty and strength. 
  3. I will not let my mind bully my body. 
  4. It doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks of my body. 
  5. My body deserves respect from myself. 
  6. I am perfect and complete just the way I am.
  7. The problem isn’t with my body, the problem is what I think of it and what I think of myself.  
  8. I will embrace my imperfections and love my body. 
  9. My body deserves love and kindness. 
  10. This is my body and I accept it how it is. 
  11. Taking care of myself and my body feels good. 
  12. I release all judgment towards my body. 
  13. My bodyweight doesn’t define me. 
  14. I am thankful for my body. 
  15. Healthy positive energy flows through my body naturally. 
  16. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. 
  17. I am determined to treat my body with tenderness and love. 
  18. Today I will not be self-destructive towards my body image. 
  19. My body is the most precious gift. 
  20. I radiate beauty and confidence. 
  21. My body is allowed to change. 
  22. I feel proud of how far I’ve come. 
  23. Every body is a summer body. 
  24. I will stop finding fault in the mirror and accept and embrace myself. 
  25. I am stronger than I think.

Practice these body positivity affirmations every day in front of a mirror and choose your top 5 favorites that really resonate with you. As a matter of fact, a great idea is to make this part of your morning or bedtime routine. By practicing these positive affirmations your mindset will shift on how you feel about yourself. Thus you will feel much better about your body and self-esteem, and you’ll be amazed how you will start making better decisions for your health and body. Remember that you and your body are a team and how you love yourself is how you teach others to love you. 

Tips to improve your body image:

If you’re practicing these body positivity affirmations, but you’re still having problems with your body image here are some great tips:

  • Stop comparing your body to other people’s bodies. Comparison is the thief of joy. 
  • Focus on the things you do love about your appearance. 
  • Each day, say one thing you like about yourself. 
  • Understand that the things we see in social media, tv, and magazines have been altered to perfection and they’re not reality. 
  • Remember that nobody is perfect, embrace what makes you unique! 
  • You don’t need validation from anyone else to feel good about yourself. 
  • Surround yourself with people who love and support you and don’t tear you down. Check out my article: The 12 Types Of People You Should Surround Yourself With
  • Apologizing to your body is where the healing begins. 
  • If you need to, take a break from social media and practice a digital detox
  • Wear what makes you happy! 
  • Practice positive self-talk and self-care.
  • Hating your body won’t make you healthier.
  • Admire someone else’s beauty without questioning your own. 

Take these 25 body positivity affirmations and use them to live a happier, healthier, and vibrant life. If you loved this article comment a heart emoji down below! ❤️ In addition, let me know which affirmations are your favorite ones and how they have helped you in your self-love journey.


The Pretty Thoughts




  • Miranda Balogh

    What a great article! The positive body affirmations are wonderful, and the tips for improving one’s body image are so wise. Thanks for sharing!

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