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8 Powerful Ways To Beat Self-Doubt

8 Powerful Ways to Beat Self-Doubt

In this blog post I will share with you my 8 powerful ways to beat self-doubt. These tips and habits have helped me significantly to decrease that troubling inner voice.

“Fear and self-doubt have always been the greatest enemies of human potential.” – Brian Tracy

Everyone has troubling moments of self-doubt. It’s that persuasive voice inside our heads that prevents us from seizing opportunities. Suddenly, life feels heavy, and we feel like we’re not enough. Getting started and finishing things becomes harder. Although self-doubt can be good because it helps us realize our own limitations, for the most part self-doubt is a parasite that attacks our self-esteem and holds us back in life.

8 Powerful Ways To Beat Self-Doubt

1. Celebrate small steps

A step-forward is a step-forward no matter how small. For example, a year ago I had the goal to have my own blog. Finally, I decided to build my own website and publish my very first article How to Be Content With What You Have. Although that was a small step, it was still a win and I celebrated it! Sometimes the hardest part is getting started and taking that first step. Once you make that first step you will feel renewed and with tons of energy and motivation. Think of life as a staircase and each step you take will get you closer towards your goals. Self-doubt is like pausing for a long time at a step and not going forward, so celebrate small steps and move forward!

2. Be kind to yourself

One of the most powerful ways to master and beat self-doubt is to not be so harsh on yourself. Getting angry at yourself and beating yourself up won’t get you anywhere. Be kind to yourself and recognize that you’re doing the best you can. Try telling yourself some positive and motivating affirmations to boost your mood, check out my January blog post 20 Powerful Shifting Affirmations. If you feel like you can do a bit more than what you’re currently doing, think about what small step you can take to move forward. Talk to yourself as if you’re talking to a loved one or friend, use motivational words, practice self-care and be kind!

3. Don’t be embarrassed of your struggles

The truth is you’re not the only one who has struggled. Even the greatest actresses and billionaires struggled to get where they are right now. You should NEVER be embarrassed of your struggles because your challenges are not a disadvantage. Don’t fall apart only because life threw an obstacle your way. Instead, get back up and face that obstacle. Use it as an excuse to work harder! One day you will share your success story with your kids or grandchildren and you will look back and see how those struggles shaped you and helped you get to where you are right now.

4. See your setbacks as temporary

To beat self-doubt you have to understand and be aware that all setbacks are temporary. Try preventing yourself from viewing life through dark negative lenses and identifying yourself as a failure just because of your setback. The truth is, no one is immune to setbacks, we all have them. What matters most is our attitude afterwards, remind yourself “this is temporary” and move forward.

5. Practice child talk 

Child talk is what I refer to as talking to yourself as if you’re a child. What do you say when a child tells you they want to be a singer, astronaut, or actress when they grow up? You see…we usually don’t tell kids the harsh reality, instead we tell them “awesome you can do it!” My suggestion is to talk to yourself the same way as if you’re talking to your younger-self, who had no limitations when it came to dreams. This might sound silly at first, but I promise you it works!8 Powerful Ways to Beat Self-Doubt

6. Improve on your weaknesses 

Have a weakness that makes you have that self-doubt? Try to improve it! Let’s say you’re feeling self-doubt because you have an interview and you don’t have the best speaking skills. Read a few books on it or watch videos on tips on how you can improve. Have a friend or family member help you. I guarantee that the more you practice your weakness, the more confident and relaxed you will feel!

7. Give yourself chance to progress

It’s easy to give up on things when you’re not seeing results fast enough. In fact, when progress is slow it’s easy to think it’s not happening at all. However, remind yourself why you are doing it in the first place. You wouldn’t be doing yourself a favor if you give up before things have a chance to progress. Everything takes time, sometimes years, especially the good things. As they say, “Rome wasn’t built in one day!” But laying a brick every day, year after year? That’s how you build an empire!

8. Look for an optimism boost

Last but not least, the final way to beat self-doubt is to look for an optimism boost. Think about what makes you feel more positive? Sometimes you can find optimism through a friend or family member who will provide you with motivation, enthusiasm and constructive positive feedback. You can also look for optimism by listening to motivational speakers, podcasts, or reading positive affirmations. Check out my affirmations. Earning that optimism boost will shift your self-doubts into positivity and will help you see your challenges and solutions in a clearer perspective.

Final steps on beating self-doubt…

I hope all of you find these 8 powerful ways to beat self-doubt helpful and keep it in mind next time when self-doubt starts to grow. Overall, keep in mind that having self-doubts is natural, and we all have them. What matters is how we handle those doubts. To overcome and beat them, you must learn the value of life and find your true happiness. Remind yourself that while you’re over there doubting yourself, so many are intimidated by your potential. In fact, I believe that the key to success is mastering self-doubt itself!

8 Powerful Ways to Beat Self-Doubt

I hoped you enjoyed my 8 Powerful Ways to Beat Self-Doubt. Please feel free to comment and share below if you found this post helpful or if you have any tips on how you mastered your self-doubt! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! ❤️


The Pretty Thoughts



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