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6 Easy Ways to Stop Overthinking

6 Easy Ways to Stop Overthinking

Do you find yourself caught in a vicious cycle of overthinking everything? If this is you, keep reading! In this blog post, I will tell you 6 easy ways to stop overthinking to help you get out of that vicious cycle and become more conscious of your mind and your thoughts. Before I start, I want to state as a reminder that worrying and overthinking is part of being human! However, if you’re noticing that overthinking is taking a toll on your well-being, it’s time to do something about it. 

Without further ado, here are the 6 Easy Ways to Stop Overthinking: 

1. Name it to tame it

An easy way to stop overthinking is to name it. Simply acknowledge that repeating thought, and by doing so, you will interrupt the cycle and have taken your first step back from being caught in it. It is also important to not fight it, as fighting your own thoughts tends to amplify them, as you may have noticed in your own life. Remember that what you resist persists. 

2. Think of the best-case scenario

Once you’ve acknowledged the thought for what it is, you can now think of the best-case scenario for that thought. Thinking of the best-case scenario helps shift your focus from the negative to the positive. Even if the best-case scenario takes you to a fantasy world where everything is smooth sailing, keep going with it! You will find that thinking of the best-case scenario will relieve some, if not all, of your anxiety and worrying. 

3. Open up

The third way to stop overthinking is simply to just open up about it to your friends and family. If you’re a reserved person, like me, at first you might find this extremely hard. Usually, when we overthink, it stems from an insecurity that stems within ourselves, because we don’t want other people to know our insecurities, we tend to bottle things up. However, by releasing it, not only will you feel much better, but you will also gain a new perspective. You will also find that you’re not alone and there are thousands of people who have overcome your same situation.

If you really don’t feel like opening up to your friends and family, I highly recommend commenting down below in this blog post. This is a safe space for all my readers!

4. Release perfection

This is a huge one. A lot of times when we’re overthinking, we want things to go perfectly, or we wanted things to go perfectly, and they didn’t. However, you must realize you’re not perfect, and you don’t have to be because nobody else is. Perfection is unrealistic, impractical, debilitating, and can also take a toll on your mental health. Instead of aiming for perfection, take small steps into making progress.

5. Stay busy with a healthy habit

We usually overthink when we’re alone or when we don’t have anything else on our minds. To prevent all of the overthinking from happening, stay busy with a healthy habit. I recommend meditation, yoga, music, exercising, or listening to positive podcasts. Once you get busy with a healthy habit, you will boost your motivation and kick your worries to the curb in the process! You will also be more mindful of the moment and less worried about everything else.

6. Realize the thought is not true 

Many times when we overthink it’s an exaggerated, untruthful version that we built up in our own heads. Take a pause, take a deep breath, and realize that what you told yourself it’s not true. If it does happen to be true, think about how bad it would really be? Is it something you can overcome and cope with? Always remember to be kind to yourself and give yourself some slack. 

Overthinking is completely normal and happens to the best of us! I hope that these 6 easy ways to stop overthinking will help you release all of the stress, anxiety, and negativity that comes from overthinking. Remember that you’re more POWERFUL than you think, and you’re not your thoughts. We are in control, and our mind does not control us! Every time you’re overthinking, acknowledge the thought and then have a positive self-talk to shift focus to the positive. 


The Pretty Thoughts




  • Marissa Leigh

    This is a great informative post!! I love “name it to tame it” that is the best advice I’ve heard! You definitely need to identify your emotions and anxious thoughts to help tame them <3

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