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10 Things To Quit Doing This Year

10 things to quit doing this year

We all have high hopes for this new year to be better than the last. Knowing what you don’t want is just as important as knowing the things you do want. For this blog post, I will share with you 10 things to quit doing this year in order to achieve a more successful and happier year. Breaking bad habits can be tough, but once you manage to break them you’ll feel like a weight is lifted off your shoulders. Of course, it won’t be easy! However, if you take small steps and take it day by day, anything is doable.

Without further ado, here are my top 10 things to quit doing this year:

10 things to quit doing this year

1. Whining

Times are hard right now, but complaining and whining every day about your problems will only make you feel worse. The more you whine and complain the more you sink yourself into that deep black hole. Check out my last blog post, How to Stop Thinking Negatively. Whining will only attract more negative things, instead take a deep breath and think about how you’ll make things better. Put in the effort of making the situation positive and focus on finding a solution.

2. Trying to please everyone 

Another thing to quit doing this year is being a people pleaser. The only one you should please is yourself because it’s your life and your life only. By trying to please everyone you will start losing yourself to the point where you will lose your own identity. It’s great to help make other people feel happy, in fact its human nature, but make sure you’re fulfilling your own needs first. Also understand that it’s important to set boundaries so that others don’t take advantage of your kindness. Overall stop saying “yes” when you really want to say “no”.

3. Comparing yourself to others 

Most people become miserable because they constantly compare themselves to someone else. In our current world of social media it’s easy to compare your life to others. Just remember that not everything is what it seems like and the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. The life you complain about is only a dream to others. Also, it’s important to learn how to appreciate someone’s success/beauty/relationships without questioning your own.

4. Making Excuses

A lot of us start the year out hopeful with many goals and healthy habits. However, as weeks and months progress we start making excuses for the new year’s resolutions we planned out for. Some excuses stem out of fear, lack of motivation, laziness, or simply because you were never truly committed. The most common excuse is saying you don’t have time or that you’re waiting for the right time to get started. This year stop making excuses and just do it! Make your goal specific and don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Constantly making excuses will not only lead you to failure and regret, but it will also prevent you from growing.

5. Criticizing

Criticizing others is more harmful than you think. It’s a waste of energy and focus that derails us from focusing on improving our own selves. To stop criticizing you have to understand that everyone is different and no one is perfect. Recognize your own flaws rather than pointing out the flaws of others. Once you stop criticizing you’ll see yourself and others in a better brighter light.

6. Overthinking

Overthinking is a common bad habit that you should let go off for this new year. Discussing your problems in your mind over and over again will cause you difficulty to make a decision on how to solve them. It will also cause you to even miss opportunities because you’re imprisoned by your own thoughts. When you stop overthinking and simply go with your gut, you’re able to enjoy life more.

7. Fearing

We’ve all heard the saying “fear kills more dreams than failure ever will”. So don’t let your fears take control of you. Whatever you want to achieve, just do it! Put your fears aside and get started. Sometimes the only one that’s stopping us is ourselves. The only thing you should fear is wasting more time. Do something, anything, otherwise another day is wasted. Most of us also fear change because we don’t know what to expect, and we like being in control. However, life is change itself and as we face and embrace those changes we evolve into our better selves.

8. Stop accepting disrespect 

If you’re enduring disrespect, stop pretending like it doesn’t bother you. Being disrespected is never okay! To stop it you must set limits and protect yourself from aggression. It is important to stand up for yourself no matter if the person is superior to you, as in your boss at work. Make yourself heard and make them understand that there’s consequences for their disrespect. If you don’t, it’s very likely that their behavior will continue. No one deserves to be disrespected and you’re the only one who has the power to stand up for yourself.

9. Living in the past

Living in the past overall prevents you from seeing the beauty in the present and future. It is okay to reminisce about the past, but don’t live in it! When you live in the past you stop growing and you stop living, instead you’re just existing in time that already passed. To stop this bad habit, remember that your very best days are ahead of you. The journey becomes much easier when you stop carrying your past, just be hopeful for the future and enjoy the present.

10. Dwelling on what you can’t control 

Last but not least, on the list of 10 things to quit doing this year is dwelling on what you can’t control. Dwelling on things that you can’t control will cause you a lot of stress and worry. Understand that you can’t control everything that happens to you, but you CAN control how you respond. Your response is where the true power lies. There’s also no point in stressing what you can’t change, just move on and grow stronger!

Last year was a reminder of how short life really is, so this year it’s time for you to live your life to the fullest and become a better you. If you’re having trouble quitting all of them, just focus on one and make small steps each day. Remember progress is progress- no matter how small. Make sure to check out my last blog post, 6 Healthy Habits to Adopt in 2021. I hope everyone has a great start to this new year!

I hope you enjoyed reading my 10 things to quit doing this year! I would love to hear from you, don’t be shy! 😉 Comment below what you are trying to quit this year? Feel free to share your methods to help others!

The Pretty Thoughts



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