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10 Daily Habits of Highly Successful People

10 Daily Habits of Highly Successful People

Intention and persistence are the main factors that separate high achievers from regular people. Have you ever wondered how highly successful people go about their day? This blog post will go over 10 Daily Habits of Highly Successful People. Practicing these daily habits will set you up for success and lead you to live a healthier happier life. Keep in mind that success isn’t determined by wealth. Success is something that you have to define yourself. It simply means attempting to move forward and doing your best to achieve your goals.

10 Daily Habits of Highly Successful People

Without further ado, here are the 10 Daily Habits of Highly Successful People…

1. They are lifelong learners

Highly successful people are constantly in the pursuit of knowledge. They are always looking to grow their skill sets to nurture their sense of personal development. For them, education and learning don’t stop once you graduate from school. In fact, many highly successful people are self-taught. Instead of trying to compete against their peers, they try to learn something new from each person they encounter. In addition, successful people always have a sense of curiosity. If they hear about a concept that they feel they lack knowledge of, they will vow to study it until they know all about it. Ultimately they find joy in growth and learning.

2. They don’t put things off 

The worst enemy of success is putting things off or in other words, procrastinating. Have you ever put something off and then felt an extreme amount of guilt? The truth is that procrastination breeds guilt and the guilt of not doing something always steals your energy. Sometimes that same guilt can breed depression and failure. Highly successful people love to tackle every single thing on their to-do lists. They also never make excuses as to why they can’t do things.

3. They get up early

You might have heard the saying that the early bird gets the worm. It’s no secret that if you want to have a productive day and get a lot of things done…you have to wake up early. By waking up earlier and being able to do your morning routine at your own pace, it will allow you to regain control of your own life. You will be starting your day on your own terms, instead of waking up to snoozing the alarm clock several times and rushing to get ready for work. Most successful people follow the 4 AM rule. Meaning that since the average workday starts at 8 AM, waking up at 4M will give them 4 additional hours to their morning. By the time an average person wakes up, they have already accomplished most of their daily goals.

4. They avoid wasting time

Time is crucial for highly successful people. If you think about it, time is your most important investment making it the greatest risk of all. Once we invest our time into something, it is lost forever. Highly successful people don’t spend hours watching Netflix or scrolling through Instagram. Rule of thumb: if you won’t gain anything from it, don’t waste your time. If you’re having trouble letting go of endless scrolling make sure to check out my digital detox challenge blog post.

5. They’re picky with whom they associate with 

People can either lift you up or drain you. You’re a product of your own environment, so you have to surround yourself with the very best. Successful people have a good understanding of this, so they’re picky with who they associate with. If you surround yourself around people who don’t add value to your life or who are negative, their habits will naturally run off on you. On the other hand, good people bring high vibrations and positive energy. Their great personality traits are contagious and will translate into your life! The right people will only lift you higher by empowering you and helping you become the best version of yourself. For more tips, make sure to check out my blog post The 12 Types Of People You Should Surround Yourself With.

6. They’re organized

Highly successful people don’t have time to deal with clutter, which is why they choose to live in an organized way. Being organized enables us to be more productive and also sets a great example for our family and peers. Organized people know how to effectively handle their priorities- even on a crazy hectic day. In general, highly organized people tend to be more successful than others. Below are some great tips that I use to stay organized: 

  • Have a planner or agenda and make sure to write down assignments and due dates 
  • Set a to-do list for the day and stick to it! 
  • Meal plan for the week
  • In your house have an appropriate home for each item that you own 
  • Donate items or clothes that you no longer use 
  • Take time to shred or recycle old mail
  • Have a monthly budget plan to write down your expenses and profits 

Also make sure to check out my organization journal, now available on Amazon
Amazon Journal

  • 6-month coverage monthly budget
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  • Includes blank lined pages
  • 6″ x 9″ size is the perfect grab and go, leave in your purse, have on your desk at work, or take to your coffee shop!

Experience motivational support as you fill out your journal. Intended for Spanglish Latinas, but it’s perfect for anybody looking for an organizational journal! Makes the perfect gift for friends or loved ones (including yourself!). Designed to help you stay organized and bring some empowerment into your life!

7. They get enough sleep 

Although they wake up early, highly successful people make sure they get plenty of sleep. It is reported that Alber Einstein slept 10-11 hours a day to help him stay creative. Sleep is good for the brain and allows us to function at our best It is a common experience that a difficult problem at night is resolved in the morning after you have had a restful night’s sleep. According to, many of the most radical breakthroughs in human history, including the periodic table, the structure of DNA, and Einstein’s theory of special relativity, have supposedly occurred while their discoverer was unconscious. Sleep is critical for success and has many positive effects on memory and creative thinking. 

8. They have multiple sources of income

While success is not determined by wealth or assets. People who are self-made millionaires are indeed successful. One thing that most rich people have in common is that they have multiple sources of income; whether it’s side hustles, real estate assets, or investments. It is beneficial to have multiple streams of income. As they say, you can’t put all your eggs in one basket. A huge lesson I learned during Covid-19 is that when you have multiple sources of income you can weather any economic storm. 

9. They set aside self-pity

One of the 10 Daily Habits of Highly Successful People is that they set aside self-pity. A great quote that I love by American businesswoman Barbara Corcoran is “The difference between successful people and others is how long they spend time feeling sorry for themselves.” Corcoran’s life story is very inspiring because she grew up in a home where her parents struggled financially with 10 kids. Corcoran could’ve easily fallen into self-pity and decided that she wasn’t meant to succeed. But instead, she grabbed her life by the horns, persevering whenever possible. No matter your background or what you’re up against, you’re more capable than you think you are. Never waste time or energy on self-pity.

10. They know how to turn rejection into opportunity

You might have heard before, that the biggest successes in life come after your worst failures. That is because failure breeds success and you need to lose to win. In order to be highly successful, you will need to know and understand the power of getting past a “no”. Highly successful people know how to turn rejection into opportunity. A great example of this is Steve Jobs, at only the age of 30, Steve Jobs got fired from his own company. Jobs didn’t see it then but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to him. Because losing his position and success as the leader of Apple opened him up to express his creativity more freely. He started a company called NeXT, helped launch Pixar, and lastly reclaimed his role as CEO of Apple, and the rest is history. It is after rejection that amazing opportunities come knocking. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick, but you can’t lose faith.

If you liked this blog post, make sure to leave a comment or like below. It always makes me happy when I find that what I wrote resonated with one of you. If you practice one or more of these 10 Daily Habits of Highly Successful People, please feel free to also share your tips and tricks! 

10 Daily Habits of Highly Successful People


The Pretty Thoughts



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