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Being Grateful During Covid-19


The Covid-19 pandemic has taken over the world we knew of. Leaving people stressed, frightened and jobless. It can be hard to stay positive during these unusual and trying times. However, now it’s more important than ever to focus on being grateful- the quality of being thankful. Not only will practicing gratitude help you ease your mind and relax, but it also plays an important factor in your mental and physical health. 

What is Gratitude? 

Gratitude is a natural feeling of giving thanks for everyday things. By expressing it we’re making ourselves receptive to life and making those things visible again. As humans we often take things for granted, until those things go missing. Gratitude takes a sense of humility and gracefulness. It is understanding that no matter what your current situation is you’ve accomplished a lot already. In fact, the life you live is only a dream to others. 

Covid-19 pandemic has overall taught us the importance of gratitude. For example, how we should be prioritizing our relationships with families and friends because we often take their health and wellness for granted. In this time of crisis it’s crucial to stay connected to others, as well as help those who are in need.

Some people could be given an entire field of roses and only see the thorns in it. Others could be given a single weed and only see the wildflower in it. Perception is a key component to gratitude, and gratitude is a key component to joy. – Amy Weatherly

Being Grateful During Covid-19

14 Reasons to be Grateful During COVID-19:

During this pandemic, it might be difficult to think about things that you can appreciate as we’re in a midst of a crisis. However here are some reasons to help you realize that there’s still plenty of things to be grateful for: 

  1. You are alive. 
  2. Were able to spend extra quality time with family during quarantine.  
  3. You still have access to basic necessities such as water, food, and shelter. 
  4. Virtual celebrations are bringing some friends and family closer. 
  5. Increased creative time. 
  6. You now have time to be more physically active. 
  7. Covid-19 is not 100% deadly!  
  8. Extra time to reflect. 
  9. Catching up to projects at home. 
  10. Nice weather and sunshine! 
  11. Safe home. 
  12. Opportunity to work or study remotely. 
  13. Fully functional hospitals. 
  14. Financial help from the government. 

How to Practice Gratitude: 

Practicing gratitude is actually very easy and rewarding! To start off, you have to think of gratitude as a regular habit rather than a chore. To make it a habit you can dedicate a short amount of time in your day to practicing gratuity (I recommend before bedtime). You can jot down a list before going to bed of all the things you’re grateful for, it doesn’t have to be a long list but perhaps some things that stood out to you throughout your day. Another way to practice gratitude is to do some yoga or meditation. Yoga and meditation makes you receptive in deeper ways. If you take a moment to breathe, close your eyes, and control your breathing you will realize all of the chain of events and wonderful things that surround your daily life. 

Thirdly, you can simply express your gratitude by saying  “thank you” or sending a thank you note or email. In the note or email you can mention how they positively impacted your life. This might sound really simple, but can actually make someone’s day! Lastly, give yourself some grace and self-love. Things right now are very unusual, so it’s okay to experience a wide range of emotions and not feel particularly grateful at the moment. Allow yourself to cope with these emotions by doing things you enjoy to do such as; do an at home creative project, spend time in nature, or even read a book or watch your favorite TV series. By taking care of you and doing things you love to do, you will quickly realize the beauty of those things and then be grateful for them.


Benefits of Gratuity: 

  • Improved physical health. 
  • Enhanced empathy and humility. 
  • Better sleep.
  • Feel more relaxed.  
  • Decreases blood pressure. 
  • Improved self-esteem
  • Reduced aggression. 
  • Increased mental strength. 
  • Decreased anxiety and stress. 
  • Helps you live longer. 
  • Enhances your personal relationships. 
  • Feel more joyful. 
  • You will become less materialistic. 
  • Increased in productivity. 
  • You will become more optimistic.

Overall, we will get through this pandemic and there will be brighter days ahead. Through this Covid-19 pandemic we have been able to recognize the error of our ways. We have been prioritizing work over family, become image-obsessed, and consumerism and materialism has become second nature. Covid-19 has brought out the best in people. This crisis has reminded us of the things that are truly important in life. It has also reminded us why we should be grateful for every day we’re alive and we’re able to share special moments with our friends, family, and neighbors. This global pandemic is a wake up call on how we should always be there for each other in these times of need and how we should place more importance in taking care of ourselves and our planet. Remember, life will return back to normal, even if it’s a new kind of normal. Practicing gratitude can help you cope with all the changes and help you live life fully, vibrantly, and effectively!

What are some things that you’re grateful for during this Covid-19 pandemic? How do you practice gratitude during these unusual and trying times? Comment below! ❤️

The Pretty Thoughts



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