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90 Best Self-Care Activities: Simple & Easy

best self-care activities

Feeling stressed and overwhelmed? You might be in need of some self-care! Below I have included 90 best self-care activities that are quick to do, for any age, and no matter your background or budget. Remember that it’s important to take care of yourself first so that everything else can fall into place. All of the ideas included are small and relatively easy to do. I highly recommend doing something nice for yourself, even if it’s not on the list. I hope you all have a wonderful week! 

90 Best Self-Care Activities


  1. Take a hot bubble bath with salts/bath bomb and candles. 
  2. Turn off all electronics, close your eyes and enjoy quietness. 
  3. Practice meditation. 
  4. Listen to relaxation soothing music. 
  5. Drink a tea that you love. I recommend peppermint, chamomile, and lavender for releasing anxiety and stress. 
  6. Light a candle or air purifier.
  7. Get an adult coloring book. 
  8. Paint or draw your imagination.  
  9. Spend time with a pet. 
  10. Listen to a guru. 
  11. Put on some fuzzy socks. 
  12. Learn to play an instrument.


  1. Go for a walk, doesn’t matter if it’s long or short. 
  2. Practice yoga. 
  3. Dance to your favorite song.
  4. Play with a pet. 
  5. Go hiking. 
  6. Get a massage. 
  7. Go for a bike ride. 
  8. Try drinking more water per day. Tip: Infuse water with cucumber or lemon. 
  9. Give someone a hug. 
  10. Take a nap during the day. 
  11. Practice deep breathing.
  12. Do some gentle stretching in the morning or before bedtime. 
  13. Make a healthy smoothie with fruits and veggies. 
  14. Drink a detox tea.



  1. Take a break from social media. Read my last post: Is Digital Detox Necessary? 
  2. Create a vision board. 
  3. Write down your thoughts and worries. 
  4. Put together a puzzle. 
  5. Allow yourself to day-dream. 
  6. Go on a long drive. 
  7. Watch your favorite movie/show. 
  8. Learn a new language.
  9. Share your thoughts and feelings with a loved one. 
  10. Start a fun project. 
  11. Learn a new skill. 
  12. Say no to negativity and negative people. 
  13. Read your favorite book.
  14. Listen to a positivity podcast.  
  15. Start a gratitude journal.


  1. Spend time in nature. 
  2. Create a bucket list. 
  3. Write down your life goals. 
  4. Volunteer for a great cause.
  5. Enroll in a fun class. 
  6. Forgive others & yourself. 
  7. Write a letter to your past self. 
  8. Walk barefoot on the grass.
  9. Go on a nature retreat.
  10. Watch the sunrise or sunset. 
  11. Go to the beach.

best self-care activities

Organization Self-Care Activities:

  1. Make a to-do list of things you’ve always wanted to do, but never had time for and commit to getting those things done!
  2. Clean out your closet/drawers and donate unwanted items. 
  3. Add personal touches to your work/student desk. 
  4. Start a home decor project. 
  5. Clear out any clutter in your space that gives you anxiety. 
  6. Get rid of old mail. 
  7. Delete apps you don’t use. 
  8. Unsubscribe from unwanted emails. 
  9. Purge your fridge of uneaten foods and condiments. 
  10. Do a garage sale.
  11. Use an agenda to set your priorities.  
  12. Discard items you haven’t used in years. 

Beauty Self-Care Activities:

  1. Try a face beauty mask. 
  2. Use that bath bomb, you’ve been saving. 
  3. Moisturize your body with a lovely smelling lotion. 
  4. Get a facial massage. 
  5. Massage your scalp. 
  6. Try a recipe for a DIY hair mask. 
  7. Give yourself a mani-pedi. 
  8. Rub an ice cube or cold jade roller around your face.
  9. Sink your feet in warm water.
  10. Do a spa day.  
  11. Shower with a sugar scrub. 
  12. Look in the mirror and name three things you love about yourself. 
  13. Do a glam makeup look just for fun.

Social Self-Care Activities:

  1. Go to brunch or coffee with an old friend. 
  2. Write a letter to a loved one. 
  3. Call an old friend. 
  4. Take yourself on a date. 
  5. Express gratitude to someone you love. 
  6. Plan a family board game night. 
  7. Join a new club. 
  8. Call your parents. 
  9. Visit a family member you haven’t seen in a while. 
  10. Do some retail therapy with your best friend. 
  11. Practice paying it forward to a stranger by doing a random act of kindness.
  12. Smile to a stranger.
  13. Make a new friend. 

That completes my 90 best self-care activities list! 

self-care fact

Remember Self-Care Isn’t a One Time Thing… 

Self-care isn’t something you can do once and then forget about it. To effectively accomplish self-care you have to take your favorite activities from this list (or make your own list) and create your own routine. A great tip can be to dedicate practicing self-care on a specific day of the week, such as Sundays. Self-care is essentially about loving yourself and placing importance in taking care of YOU! The nice thing about it is that once we take care of ourselves we will be able to give the best version of ourselves to others. I recommend checking out my last posts: What Does Self-Care Mean? and Self-Care Sunday Ideas

Whatever situation you’re currently in remember that everything is temporary. You belong on this earth and no one can take away your self worth. Remember that you are loved and you are worthy! 

What are your thoughts on these 90 best self-care activities? How are you taking care of yourself these days? What are your favorite activities on the list? I would love to hear from you! ❤️


The Pretty Thoughts



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