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11 Winter Self-Care Ideas: To Help Nurture Yourself

11 Winter Self-Care Ideas

Hello December! With the weather getting colder and days getting shorter, it’s easy to get the “winter blues”. Seasonal depression is a real thing, so for this post, I wanted to share with you my top 11 winter self-care ideas to help you nurture yourself during these tough winter months. You can include these ideas into your regular self-care routines or even take these as inspiration to create your own! Even doing one idea once a week can help you a lot in your physical and mental health.

Self-Care In Winter

Winter is a magical season filled with holiday cheer and beautiful fluffy snow. However, for some people winter can be tough as evenings get darker, days get colder and there is a lack of sunshine. Due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, this winter season will also be hard for a lot of people. Many are facing financial hardships like unemployment and many have lost a loved one amid the pandemic. This year has undeniably made an impact on our mental health, so before the new year starts let’s try to get into the habit of taking care of ourselves! 

As a reminder self-care should be an annual practice, but you can always mix it up depending on the season we’re in. Without further ado here are my top 11 Winter Self-Care Ideas:

11 Winter Self-Care Ideas

1. Light a Christmas-scented candle

Fill your home with warmth with a Christmas-scented candle. The scent will not only help you get into a holiday cheerful mood but will also provide a cozy light to your home when it’s dark outside. If you’re not into candles you can also use an air purifier or a wax melt with an electric warmer. My top Christmas-recommended scents are peppermint, Christmas cookies, pine tree, and gingerbread! 

2. Declutter your winter wardrobe

Sort through your winter wardrobe to see if you can get rid of pieces you haven’t worn in years. Looking through your closet also makes you consciously aware of how many items you own and if there are any essentials that you’re missing. Decluttering your winter closet will not only help you get ready for the winter season, but it will also help you feel free as you’re releasing the energy that has been tied up from those items you haven’t worn in years. To give back this holiday season you can even donate your gently used items.

3. Go on a walk

The weather might be cold, but wrap up warm and take a walk in the cold to get your body moving and increase the flow of your blood. Walking in the cold is like enjoying a new world! To make it fun you can even look for animal tracks in the snow or carefully listen to the sound of icy tree branches tinkling in the wind.

4. Decorate your home for the holidays

Dressing up your home with holiday decorations will definitely lighten your mood and will fill you with that holiday cheer! If you’re on a budget you can make some DIY decorations with items you find at the dollar store or that you already own. Decorating will help you get excited over the holidays and will also evoke childhood nostalgia. It is definitely the pathway to feeling happier and a great way to brighten up the cold dark evenings. 

5. Warm yourself up

A great way to take care of yourself during the winter is to warm yourself up. You can do this by making yourself a hot beverage like coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. Enjoy it outside in the cold weather as it warms you up. Make it extra seasonal by serving it in a cute Christmas mug or decorating it with some whipped cream and marshmallows. Another great idea to warm yourself up is to run yourself a hot bath and soak yourself in your favorite bath salts or bath bombs. This is a great way to pamper yourself during these colder months and will help you relax and unwind. 

6. Make a vision board of goals for the next year

A perfect way to end this year is to look forward to the next and concentrate on what’s best to come. Pick out some magazines and cut out images that represent your goals and aspirations. Paste them on a paper board and hang them somewhere where you will come across them daily. You can even have your family do it with you or host a virtual vision board party

7. Watch a Christmas movie

A great way to get you in the holiday spirit is no other than watching a Christmas movie in your cozy PJs. Call a friend or loved one to join you and eat some holiday-inspired snacks. Feel free to comment below what your favorite Christmas movie is! Mine is The Polar Express. 

8. Bake

A great way to make your home feel warm and comforting is to bake some fresh cookies or cake. I love the smell of freshly baked cookies…I mean who doesn’t? If you want to get creative you can even use a holiday cookie cutter set and then decorate the cookies with frosting and sprinkles. Baking is a great way to relax and relieve stress. 

9. Practice winter skin-care

Winters can be tough on the skin, so it’s crucial to take extra care of your skin. You can even make your own DIY winter scrub and lotion for your body, it doesn’t have to be expensive. Drinking plenty of water is also a great way to maintain your skin moist and hydrated during these cold months. Skincare is a great way to take care of yourself and you can practice it year round!  

10. Get more sleep

Winter hibernating is real! Take advantage of the darkening days to go to sleep early and maximize your hours of daylight. Lack of sunlight can negatively affect your mood.  You can even try to get up with the sunrise to enjoy seeing it outside. Waking up early will lengthen your days and will motivate you to be more productive. 

11. Make DIY Christmas cards

If you’re a hands-on and creative person this idea is for you! Get into the holiday spirit by making some DIY Christmas cards for your friends and family. Not only will it save you money from not having to spend on store-bought cards, but it’s also fun! You can even have your kids help you and listen to some Christmas cheerful tunes while you’re at it. If you’re not into cards you can also make some handmade Christmas ornaments or DIY holiday decorations. 

Remember self-care is for anybody! I hope that these winter self-care ideas have inspired you to take care of yourself this season. Make sure to check out my other self-care ideas at Self-Care Sunday Ideas: 50 Ways to do Self-Care.  If you’re experiencing severe seasonal depression make sure you seek help from a doctor or health professional. 

How do you practice winter self-care? Which of these 11 winter self-care ideas did you love the most? I would love to hear from you! Happy Holidays! 🎄❤️



The Pretty Thoughts



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