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369 Manifestation Method: Ultimate Guide

manifestation method

What is the significance behind the numbers 3-6-9? 

If you’re not familiar with the 369 Manifestation Method, it is a method created by inventor and scientist Nikola Tesla. According to Nikola Tesla, the numbers three, six, nine are sacred numbers. Tesla is known for the quote “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.

Looking closely at the numbers you will realize that 3+6=9, 3+6+9= 18 (18 divided by 2 equals 9). Tesla also found that no matter how you divide a circle you will end up with the numbers 3,6,9. Tesla believed that the number nine is the number of the universe, he also connected it to astronomy and found out that the individual diameters of the sun, moon, and earth end up adding to the number 9. By doing some math with numbers 1-9 we can also see that the numbers 3,6,9 constantly repeat. Check it out in this image below: 

369 manifestation method

How does the 369 Manifestation Method Work? 

The 369 Manifestation Method works to manifest anything you want in life! It’s also quite simple to do and all you need is a notebook and pen! I recommend using a pen instead of a pencil because a pen makes things more permanent, which is exactly what we want! To start off, I want to explain that this method has two alternatives, so I am going to explain both and from there you can choose which one suits you the best! The method can be used on any topic in your life whether it’s your job, family, relationship, health, wealth, vacations etc.

Before starting make sure you’re in a positive and relaxed state of mind (a little yoga or being in nature often helps). It’s also highly important that you’re focused and away from any distractions. Please also keep in mind to be realistic with what you’re trying to manifest and take the process seriously.

You might get frustrated and impatient, but the most important part of manifesting is trusting the process. When you give off negative feelings like frustration and pessimism, you’re telling the universe that manifestation doesn’t work. Trust that the universe has your back and repeat your manifestation as you write it until you completely believe in it. By continually doing this method the universe will make your manifestation come true! The 369 manifestation method should be done for 33 or 45 days as (3+3=6, 4+5=9), just give it a try and watch your life transform! 

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Method 1: 

  1. Think about what you want from the universe. Hold that thought for 17 seconds! Why 17 seconds? Interestingly enough it goes back to one of our sacred numbers, seven minus one equals 6 (7-1=6). Also you want to hold the thought long enough for it to have some momentum. It doesn’t exactly need to be 17 seconds, but at least 17 seconds or longer. Keep in mind that the 17 seconds applies only to speaking it out loud or in your mind, actually writing it will take much longer. 
  2. Write down the sentence three times in the morning. Let it go and go on about your day. It’s crucial that you “let it go” because you want to release it into the universe and you’re basically telling the universe “this is my desire, I completely trust you”. 
  3. Go back to it in the evening, but now write it down six times. Visualize it, imagine it, feel it, and let it go! 
  4. Before you go to sleep write it down once again, but this time nine times! That way you can go into a positive dream state and manifest it in your dreams. 
  5. Continue to do this process for a span of at least 33 or 45 days or until it comes true. 
  6. Express gratitude and thank the universe in your sentence. 

Method 2: 

  1. Write your focus 3 times. 
  2. The intention of your focus 6 times explaining why you need it to happen. 
  3. Plus the action that you’re expecting 9 times. 
  4. Express gratitude and thank the universe in your sentence or in your thoughts. 
  5. Continue to do this process everyday for 33 or 45 days or until it comes true.


– I want a better job. (3x) 

– Because I need to provide for myself and my family. (6x) 

– I will receive news that I’ve been hired. (9x) 

– Thank you universe for this amazing new job that brought me financial freedom, new friendships, joy, satisfaction and has opened new doors in my career. 

369 manifestation method

In addition, to doing the method you must also follow ALL these steps to make your manifestation come true: 

  1. Be crystal clear on what you want. If there is a hint of doubt in the statement you’re writing, rewrite it until you completely believe in it! 
  2. Express gratitude to the universe and write it as if you already have what you’re desiring. 
  3. Completely give yourself in to the process and trust the universe!
  4. Clear your resistance! It’s normal to feel frustrated and impatient, but remind yourself to relax and let go. Get yourself in a positive state of mind before manifesting, pretty thoughts bring great energy and positive things! 
  5. Acknowledge progress. Maybe the universe hasn’t completely granted your whole desire, but it’s important to acknowledge any bit of progress that comes your way and be grateful to the universe. 

Why it works…

The sacred numbers 369 will drive in your manifestation energy. This will make your manifestation come much faster and much more effective, as you will become aligned with the rhythm of the universe. Just remember: “think it, write it, visualize it, and express gratitude”. It’s important to write your gratitude statement as it already has happened and mention positive feelings like joy and satisfaction. It’s also crucial to mention how your manifestation will overall make you feel in order to amplify the overall meaning of why you need this to happen and what feelings it will bring to your life.

In addition, I recommend keeping a journal destined to your manifestations, that way you can easily have them all together and check which ones came true (hopefully all of them!). Reciting what you’re writing out loud is also a great way to speak it into the universe. You’d be surprised how powerful the mind is when you express to the universe your true desires.

The 369 manifestation method is incredibly powerful and has recently gone viral on social media, (you might have seen it on TikTok or on YouTube). Since going viral more and more people of any age have had amazing success stories from it. I have personally used it and I highly recommend it! 

Have you tried the 369 manifestation method? If so, share your success below in the comments section! I would love to hear how it worked out for you! ❤️

The Pretty Thoughts




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